Small Business Coach Australia – Angela Henderson

Maximise Profits, Minimise Stress: Grow Your Business & Still Find Joy In Every DaY

No more compromising family time for business, no more burnout, and no more financial worries. Build & grow a business that sets you and your family up for life, without working harder than you already do.

Angela Henderson business consultant standing proud
Business Growth Quiz

What’s really Holding Your business back?

In just three minutes you will uncover the exact areas holding your business back from maximum growth (is it team, systems, marketing, sales or mindset?). Plus get tailored advice to overcome the bottlenecks so you can grow your business & still find joy in every day.


Unlock Your Path to Revenue and Freedom-Filled Life

Imagine having a steady flow of income while enjoying a work life that aligns with your personal rhythm. Free up your time from business hassles and embrace a life filled with possibilities.

This isn’t just a dream. I’ve helped women entrepreneurs worldwide turn this vision into their daily reality. My mission is to provide you with the tools to build a successful business while guiding you towards a life filled with freedom, alignment, and precious family moments.

Begin Your Journey to Financial Liberty

I’ll help you unlock your business’s potential and create a consistent, substantial income. Together, we’ll map out your path to prosperity and financial independence.

Create Harmony Between Life and Business

We’ll design a roadmap tailored to your unique business and personality. This way, your business thrives, and the mundane tasks fade into the background, allowing you to fully enjoy life’s most precious moments.

Scale Your Business Without Burnout

Together, we’ll uncover the secrets of scaling your business in an effective and sustainable way. By implementing proven systems and tactics, we’ll ensure your business grows while avoiding burnout.

Build A Lasting Legacy

Leveraging my holistic business framework for intentional alignment, our journey will focus on more than just business growth. We’ll create a lasting legacy that you can be proud of, making a significant impact in your industry and leaving a mark that stands the test of time.

Holistic & Tailored Business Coaching

Whether you’re just starting out, aiming for big goals, or looking to scale new heights, I’ve got ways to help you.

With customised strategies and dedicated support, we’ll turn your boldest business dreams into reality!

Thriving Businesses Who
Have Been Supported By Angela

The Simple Approach That Virtually Guarantees My Students Results

I’ve helped thousands of business owners not only thrive but become leaders of 6-7 figure businesses. Clients I’ve worked closely with have learned to master the dance of success while savouring precious family moments and taking more time off than they ever thought possible.

Here are just a few reasons why my women in business thrive when they partner with me:

Personalised Strategies

One-size-fits-all? Not on my watch. Every business is unique, and so is every entrepreneur. I’ll analyse your business from all angles, identify gaps, and create a custom, step-by-step strategy to ensure every area of your business shines.

Straight Talk, No BS

Looking for a mentor who offers straightforward advice without the fluff? I provide the constructive nudges needed to push past comfort zones. No consultant will invest as much care and dedication in your success as I will.

Community and Connections

Partnering with me means joining a vibrant community of like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs who are cheering you along with me. You’ll also gain access to a rich network of pre-vetted service providers.

Unpack Your Mindset Challenges

We’ll go beyond surface-level consulting to address your inner challenges head-on – whether it’s . By focusing on your internal landscape, we’ll revolutionise your business and lifestyle, paving the way for a brighter future.

Elite Knowledge, At Your Fingertips

I’ve invested over $750k in elite level business mentoring and masterminds. Now, I’m committed to sharing that elite knowledge with you, accelerating your path to entrepreneurial success.

 Your Coach, Who’s Walked Your Walk

I’ve built two successful 6-figure businesses while raising two young kids and overcoming every obstacle you’re facing. I’m here to guide you through your entrepreneurial journey with real-world advice

The 4-Pillar Proven Framework

For Business Success:
A Holistic Path to Freedom & Wealth

While many coaches focus only on business strategies, achieving true success goes beyond just business strategy and execution. A flourishing business is intertwined with a fulfilling personal life. It’s not just about climbing the entrepreneurial ladder; it’s about ensuring every rung you climb enriches your overall quality of life.

After working directly with thousands of women in business, I’ve discovered that creating a thriving business AND fulfilling life comes down to a proven 4-pillar framework. It’s a simple framework that ensures consistent improvements in every aspect of your life and business to grow your business and find joy in every day. Because to truly thrive in business, you cannot operate in isolation.

Hey there,

I’m Angela Henderson

(But you can call me Ange!)

I’ve walked this path, tackled the challenges, and I’m right here, cheering you on!

I know how it feels to navigate the turbulent waters of business, feeling overwhelmed, juggling the roles of mother and business owner, and craving the support you deserve.

Having a background in mental health, two thriving 6-figure businesses to my name, and a pair of wonderful kids, I’ve experienced the highs, lows, trials, and triumphs you’re going through. My advice has helped thousands of entrepreneurs overcome these challenges too.

I’m known for my straightforward approach, but don’t let that fool you. My clients will tell you I care deeply about your success. This blend of professional dedication and personal empathy is what makes my coaching unique.

I’ve invested over $750k in top-notch global business mentoring and masterminds, learning from the best. Now, I’m excited to share that knowledge with you.

My distinct business method focuses on creating a harmonious balance between your business and personal life, helping you flourish and grow with ease. Let’s do this together.




Women Empowered With Business Mindset, Strategies & Tactics


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Of Transforming Women in Business’ Lives!

Elevate Your Success With

Tailor-Made Business Coaching

From captivating group masterminds and accelerator programs to personalised 1:1 coaching and inspiring keynote speaking engagements, my offerings are designed to fuel your entrepreneurial journey with life-changing strategies, essential tools, and support to elevate your business

 Don’t see exactly what you’re looking for? Explore more

If you’re looking for other ways I can help, I’ve got plenty more, including masterclasses, guides, workshops, and retreats. Let’s uncover the perfect solution for you.

Keynote Speaking

Want to help your attendees break through their business plateau?

I bring a unique blend of entrepreneurial expertise and mental health insights to the stage, inspiring your audience with strategies for building sustainable, profitable businesses.

Expect fresh ideas, actionable insights, and a generous dose of Human-to-Human marketing magic.

Your Success is My Success:
Hear from Happy Clients


The Angela Henderson
Online Business Show

Get your weekly dose of entrepreneurial gold with Angela’s podcast. Practical, empowering insights that will inspire, elevate, and prepare you to conquer your business challenges.

Case Studies

Results we’ve achieved for other women

Find inspiration in the victories of these brilliant women, and realise that I’m here to guide you from feeling stuck to finding clarity and growth. 

What are you waiting for?

Get more time for your family, achieve the true freedom you want… and FINALLY live the CEO life that you desire!

Take Your Free Business Quiz

*Take our free 2-minute quiz & uncover the next step to elevate your business

Business Insights from
Angela Henderson

Explore my top blog articles packed with practical advice and tips that can help you navigate your business journey with ease and success.

Business Growth Quiz

What’s really Holding Your business back?

In just three minutes you will uncover the exact areas holding your business back from maximum growth (is it team, systems, marketing, sales or mindset?). Plus get tailored advice to overcome the bottlenecks so you can grow your business & still find joy in every day.