2 years ago, almost to the day I boarded a plane to Cebu, Philippines to attend a business retreat called Tropical Think Tank with Chris Ducker. Tropical Think Tank was an event for 50 entrepreneurs and for 5 days I got to spend time with some of the top entrepreneurs in the world and 50 amazing entrepreneurs. Speakers and attendees ate breakfast together, had lunch together and spoke business strategy in the pool as we sipped mojitos.
It was life changing.
This 5 day event changed my business in every way. New ideas, new focus, increased business growth, but more importantly some of the best connections that have now turned into long lasting relationships.
You may be thinking… while these events/retreats are pricey and I personally can totally understand the apprehensive about whether or not it is worth it, however having been on a number of different business retreats in the past I can honestly say that they have reignited my passion for business, developed my skills tenfold and have been my number one investment. In fact, I’ve invested in heading to the Maldives in September with James Schramko to learn from him and to be a surrounded with 9 other businesses from around the world.
I wanted to share my experiences with you and let you know five reasons I feel you need to go on a business retreat as in my opinion, it’s one of the number ways to grow your business.
5 Reasons You Need To Go On a Business Retreat
1. It’s a great way to refocus
Sometimes all you need to help your business grow is some time away from your usual environment and routine to refocus. It’s so easy to get off tracked from what really matters, but a business retreat can help you refocus your mind and understand what is most important to you and your business at this exact time.
2. There’s so much to learn
One of the primary reasons people go on a retreat is to learn new skills from experts in their field, and that’s exactly what you will do. With the perfect chance to get away from your usual routine, a business retreat will give you the opportunity to develop existing skills or gain completely new ones.
3. You can make valuable connections
If there is one thing I have learnt from running my business and my Australian Business Collaborative Facebook Group, it’s that the connections you make in business are vital to your success.
Having a strong support network of people around you as you build and expand your business can help you feel safe, secure and is a great place to get advice from like minded people. Going on a business retreat is a great way to grow your network of close connections, as you’re guaranteed to make meaningful connections each time.
Spending a long period of time with a group of people is always a valuable bonding experience, and going through something such as a business retreat together means you will all have at least one thing in common. Then, following the retreat you will feel inspired to to continue supporting each other, helping each other to achieve the goals you set out to do following the your time together.
4. The new environment allows you to grow
Working in the same environment day in and day out can actually be damaging to your development. You know what they say – new environment, new ideas!
Getting out of the office and onto a business retreat provides the ideal conditions for you to be able to work ‘on’ your business, rather than ‘in’ it. The new environment, people and routine is the perfect way to help shift your perspective and let the creative juices flow.
5. It’s a future investment
Although business retreats can be expensive, they’re such an incredible investment both financially and mentally.
Following your retreat you should be able to measure your ROI when it comes to financial benefits, as well as the impact it has on your personal life. From a financial point of view the take backs will obviously be the connections made, the skills learnt and anything else you may gain from the retreat that has financial value to you.
In terms of mental ROI, spending time away from your business on a retreat can do wonders. As someone who runs my own business I personally know how hard it can be to take time off as you can feel responsible and guilty for having time away from your job. Going on a retreat is a great way to have that space at the same time as keeping you in the head-space to grow as a business owner.
I don’t feel business retreats are a luxury for entrepreneurs but instead a necessarily investment for people looking to refocus, make meaningful connections and grow their business in ways they can’t do in their day to day life.
Finding Balance in Business – Women’s Retreat
For four days and three nights, I’ll be holding my own business retreat at the Gold Coast with 30 amazing women.
It’s going to be an amazing four days! My retreat will inspire and motivate you to connect, create, refocus and grow so you can improve and enjoy both your business and your family life.
There is no time then now to Connect, Create, Refocus and Grow.
Buy your tickets HERE.
Have an awesome day and I can’t wait to see you at the retreat,