Things can get really crazy when you’re first starting out your business. Apart from all the things we need to do to get our business up and running, there are so much more stuff we need to think about. We get so caught up with putting so many pieces in place that we forget the legal side of things. I’ve seen this happen in so many start-up businesses. Don’t let this happen to you because you may put your business in substantial risk by doing so. International lawyer Lucrezia Lapichino who is also the co-founder of Blogging for New Bloggers® and Tinylovebug®, joins us today to talk about the top 3 legal mistakes businesses make in their first few years of business. We dive deep into the reasons why it’s so important to be aware of legislation and legal requirements and the important policies and procedures business owners should have in order to make sure they are legally sound.
Important Links Mentioned in the Show:
Blogging for New Bloggers Website
Blogging for New Bloggers Facebook Group
Women in Business Success Summit
Instagram Mastery for Business Owners with Angela Henderson
Women in Business Retreat 2020
Australian Business Collaborative Facebook Group
Angela Henderson Active Business Facebook Group