Starts FEBRUARY 12TH, 2024
5 Week ACCELERATOR for Women in Business
Need a personalised approach to accelerate your business growth in 2024? Join me for an immersive 5-week accelerator program, where I’ll be your guide to achieving laser-sharp clarity and crafting a powerful strategy for channelling your time, energy, and resources towards maximum impact, paving the way for your resounding success in 2024. Only 8 spots available.


Let’s Be Honest…
Growing a business is freaking hard work
You know what you want to be doing (taking calm, confident strides that move you forward and make you more profitable), but you’re stuck in place, feeling more overwhelmed every single month.
Which sucks.
Because you are SO ready to make your business work.
Problem is, you don’t have the funds to go all in and hire a coach,
or join the year-long programs you keep hearing about.

Hey Amazing Human…
What if I told you there was another option?
One that gives you the 1:1 attention of coaching PLUS the support, accountability, and connections that come from being part of a tight-knit group of women —
Without the year-long commitment and the matching price tag.

By the time you finish these 5 weeks together, you’ll have
Here’s a peek at what’s
possible inside
Once you’re in, you get hands-on strategic support, tailored to YOU and your business

4 x Weekly 2-Hour Personalised Group Coaching Calls (Value: $1000)
You’ll have a dedicated time slot each week to ask questions, get feedback, and bounce ideas around, whilst also being able to learn from other women in business. In other words, you WILL be seen and you WILL be supported.

1 x 30 Minute Private Coaching Session (Value: $625)
Work directly with Ange inside your 30-minute 1:1 private coaching session. Get direct support and focus to help you excel in your business.

1 x Goal Setting Session (Value: $250)
Join us for a group Goal Setting session to map out your goals ahead and create an actionable plan. Helping you to propel forward in your business.

1 X 60 Minute Live Training with Guest Expert (Value: $500)
Experience live training with one of our guest experts in the field. They will be sharing insights & strategies to help you accelerate in business.

4 x Mindset Coaching Sessions on Demand (Value: $600)
You’ll get access to 4 on demand mindset coaching sessions to work on strengthening your mindset. Mindset + business strategy = all levels of success.

Private Facebook Group for Daily Support (Priceless)
Access to our private Facebook Group so that you can continue to move forward with your business in between calls. It’s THE place to deepen your connections with the other amazing women in the group, as well as a resource that will keep you motivated and make sure you build momentum.

Meet & Greet Welcome Party (Priceless)
Join Ange and other awesome women at the welcome party. A great way to connect and start building relationships for future growth.

Every Day Payday™ Revenue Stream Calculator (Value $500)
To help you assess your ROI on the hours you spend in your business and on your business, moving you closer to growing a profitable and sustainable business.
We start February 12th, 2024 and there are only 8 spots available
Most Flexible
10 Weekly Payments
Best Value
Pay in Full & Save $100

Here’s how being in an accelerator
helped these women…

There’s one more thing I want to say to you before you go…
I’ve spent the last 5 years helping literally 1000’s of amazing women (like you!) grow profitable, sustainable businesses. And whenever someone works with me, my whole aim is making sure it’s the best possible experience.
The same goes with this mini mastermind.
I want to make damn sure it’s the best one you’ll ever be a part of.
Seriously, if you ever join another mastermind after this one, I want you to be like, “Fuck, we had it good with Ange.”
In other words, I’m committed to the cause.
Can’t wait to support you.


There’s one more thing I want to say to you before you go…
Ready to move your
business forward?
Choose the plan that’s right for you
Most Flexible
10 Weekly Payments
Best Value
Pay in Full Save $100
Have questions? No worries.
Just send your questions through via our contact form and we’ll be in touch ASAP.
© 2024 Angela Henderson Consulting. All rights reserved