Jessie King
Admin Hatch is a small management firm which helps to take care of administrative tasks for small businesses as they grow, allowing them to focus on growth and maximising profitability, rather than sweating the small stuff. Jessie started the business in January 2019 with herself and one other, and within a year had grown to have 3 employees. When she started out Jessie felt, as an intelligent woman and business studies student, she would be able to figure out everything she needed to grow a successful business armed with Google search and free YouTube clips alone. However, as business grew and got busy, she realised it wasn’t just knowledge she needed – but time, direction, clarity and support. Yes, all the answers are out there, but it’s having the knowledge and experience to know what to apply when that Jessie was really craving.

Overwhelmed by business
Jessie started business thinking she knew enough to get by, but soon found herself overwhelmed.
Mentorship for successful business
Jessie wanted to build her business so it would be sustainable and profitable and was seeking mentorship for how to do this.
Lacking strategy and big picture plans
Working in not on her business, and with some big ideas but not much strategy Jessie was confused and overwhelmed
The Challenge
When she started Admin Hatch, like most new entrepreneurs Jessie was stretched for cashflow, and whilst she knew the value of having a business coach, she couldn’t find a way to make it happen straight up. However, 4 months later when she was floundering in a growing business and in a state of overwhelm, Jessie knew she really needed a coach to progress. She was working long days, and juggling being a new mum and studying, and realised that she needed to work strategically on her business and streamline working in the business.
Jessie realised that in order to achieve her long term goals she needed to focus her energy and efforts on big picture, rather than day to day hustle of the business.
“I just needed some help with the chaos and with the overwhelm and just to really hone in on what the service offering was that I was going to be providing, so then, I could set myself up for success.”
She realised that she needed guidance from someone with business knowledge to establish where best to focus her energy, in order to build a sustainable business without the overwhelm. She was looking for mentorship and guidance from someone who knows business, and the juggle.
The Turning Point
Having stalked Angela on social media and her podcast, Jessie knew straight away that Angela was the business coach for her, due to the incredible free value Angela provides her audience on these platforms.
“That’s why I signed up {with Angela} because…you were just giving away so much free content on your podcast, in your Facebook groups. So, I thought, if that’s what you’re giving away to your audience, imagine what you’re going to give away to your one-on-one clients and I haven’t been wrong”
Jessie has loved how Angela shares genuinely and supportively her own business knowledge and network to help others build a sustainable and profitable business – so much so, she wishes she found the money to invest in Angela sooner.
The Solution
In her time working with Angela, Jessie has grown her business and gained clarity in her direction and market. Jessie was shaping a target market around who she had worked with, rather than what she really wanted as the direction for her business. In working with Angela, she has got crystal clear on her target market for sales and advertising purposes, whilst still being able to service a range of small businesses.
They also have worked on a strong social media presence in the key spaces that Jessie’s target audience consume, and she is growing her presence and confidence on both LinkedIn and Instagram as a result.

Genuine and generous with knowledge

Clear focus and strategy to plan long term goals

Support to grow a successful business
The Results
The biggest outcome for Jessie, however, has been about gaining clarity in her business. Under Angela’s mentorship she has gone from a “hot mess” to feeling truly confident in her service offerings. She credits this to Angela’s support and business knowledge.
Jessie now has a clear long-term goal in place and clarity around the short-term actions she needs to take to achieve this. She is also confident in knowing where she needs to be spending time in her business to have the most benefit.
In working with Angela, she has learnt the importance of having a strategy in place for your business, so you know what you are striving for, and to have clarity and direction in day to day decisions and actions in business.
Jessie’s only regrets in working with Angela is that she didn’t start with her sooner. She encourages other business owners to engage in Angela’s content, via her Facebook group and podcast, and book in for a free call to sound out how she is right for your business, and ultimately she encourages you to “just do it!”.
Clarity and Confidence
Working with Angela helped Jessie to gain clarity, confidence and strategy to grow her business in a sustainable way.

Jessie King
Admin Hatch
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