Grow Your Business During the Holidays

Do you want to grow your business over the holidays? This could be less to do with the season itself and more to do with your attitude around it. Many small business owners expect a lull during the holidays, but you could potentially achieve growth instead. Here are my top tips when it comes to growing your business during the holiday season.

How To Grow Your Business During the Holidays

Stay Active Online

Just because it’s the holidays, doesn’t mean you should completely pack up shop. With just a few tweaks to your strategy, you could actually grow your business over the holidays. The first step is to keep your marketing campaign active. Continue to post and send out newsletters so that your audience knows you’re still open for business.

People tend to spend more time on their phones during the holidays, which gives you an awesome opportunity to engage with your target audience. Consistent posting on social media will get your business in front of new potential customers, and festive hashtags and holiday-related content is great for brand awareness. 

Holiday Specials

The tried and true method of increasing sales over the holidays is to come out with some holiday specials. Go through everything your business offers and identify anything that could relate to the holiday season. This could be gift ideas, recipes, activities, or even courses to complete while your audience has time off. Take the products you already have and reframe them in the holiday spirit, accompanied by a discount or freebie to entice buyers.

Match the Mood

Don’t stop at the occasional holiday-themed post or offer. Make sure you match your entire marketing strategy to the mood at hand. This doesn’t just mean slapping a Santa hat on your promotional pictures and calling it a day. Consider the mood shifts of your audience throughout the holiday period and market to them.

For example, there are massive mood shifts between the lead up to Christmas and in the New Year. In the lead up to Christmas people need gifts and party goods. They don’t have a whole lot of time on their hands, so it’s best to keep all of your offers quick and easy. Once New Year rolls around, the mood is completely different. People are looking for a change and ways to better themselves, from budgeting to body transformations. Match their motivation by pushing products that are more organisational and might even come with some commitment.

Don’t Be Afraid to Launch

The amount of new products being launched during the holiday season takes a dip, so take advantage of the lack of competition. Depending on your target audience, the holidays could be the perfect time to pull off your next big launch. By offering something new when many other businesses are winding down, you’ll stand out, making your launch all the more exciting and appealing for your target audience.

Change Your Mindset

The most effective thing you can do to boost sales in the holiday period is to believe that it’s possible. So many people enter the holiday season thinking that their sales will inevitably drop. This isn’t always the case! Through the ways listed above, you could make a killing over the holidays. You just need to position your products to your potential customers as something they need during their break.

Enjoy the Holidays 

Believe it or not, actually taking a break for once could be what helps your business grow over the long run. Take some time over the holidays to step back from the business a little and enjoy yourself. Whether this means scheduling your marketing in advance or hiring a VA to help out, it’s worth it. By stepping back and enjoying some time with your family you will be able to come back to the business refreshed and perhaps with some new ideas and a clearer sense of direction.

The holidays are a great time to create business growth, you just need to pivot your message to suit the season. If you’re worried about maintaining growth or profit during the holiday season, Contact Me to set up a consultation where we can come up with an actionable plan to get you and your business through the holidays. 

Where to from here

If you feel stuck in your business and lack the clarity and strategy you need to move your business forward – I’d love to hop on a 30-minute discovery call to explore your goals, struggles and how I might be able to help move your business forward. Book in for your free 30 minute discovery call here

Feel free to join the Australian Business Collaborative which is my Facebook group that gives small business owners a safe space to ask for help, share their wins, and be part of a community. 

For more awesome content, listen to my podcast The Business and Life Conversations Podcast or check out my latest blog

Have an awesome day,


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